1. Introduction

This privacy policy applies to the Yoojo website and application (hereinafter "Yoojo" or the "Site").

The purpose of this confidentiality policy is to inform users of the Site and the :

2. General principles for data collection and processing

In accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA), the collection and processing of data relating to users of the site comply with the following principles:

In order to be lawful, and in accordance with the DPA, personal data may only be collected and processed if at least one of the following conditions is met:

3. Personal data collected and processed when browsing the site

3.1 Data collected and processed, purpose and method of collection

Yoojo may collect two types of personal data: mandatory data and optional data.

3.1.1 Compulsory collection of personal data

The following personal data must be collected on the site:

For Service Providers we also collect:

Identity documents or any other document required to prove eligibility for employment in the country of work and the category of work chosen

This data is collected when the user carries out one of the following operations on the site:

This data is collected in order to :

3.1.2 Personal data collected on a voluntary basis

The personal data collected on an optional basis for Customers on the site is as follows:

This data is collected when the user carries out one of the following operations on the site:

This data is collected in order to :

3.1.3 Retention of personal data

The data controller will keep all the data collected on the site's computer systems under reasonable security conditions for the following periods:

Data is collected and processed for the following purposes:

The data processing carried out is based on the following legal grounds:

Furthermore, when a payment is made on the site, proof of the transaction, including the order form and the invoice, will be kept in the site editor's computer systems.

3.2 Transmission of data to third parties

Data may be passed on to the third parties listed below:

Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in one or more other countries. We will only transfer your personal information outside to the UK to countries considered by the UK to guarantee an adequate level of protection.

3.3 Data hosting

The Yoojo website is hosted by AWS, whose registered office is at Shannon Building, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Dublin, D04 Hh31. The host can be contacted on the following telephone number: 35319611600.

Data collected and processed by the site is transferred to the following country(ies): Ireland.

4. Data controller and data protection officer

4.1 The data controller

The person responsible for processing personal data is Sébastien Lecaillet. He can be contacted as follows: legal@yoojo.com.

The data controller is responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing personal data.

4.2 Obligations of the data controller

The data controller undertakes to protect the personal data collected, not to pass it on to third parties without the user's knowledge and to respect the purposes for which the data was collected.

The site has an SSL certificate to guarantee that information and data transfer via the site is secure.

An SSL certificate ("Secure Socket Layer" Certificate) is designed to secure the data exchanged between the user and the site.

Furthermore, the data controller undertakes to notify the user in the event of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this would entail disproportionate formalities, costs and steps for the user.

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of the user's personal data is compromised, the data controller undertakes to inform the user by any means necessary.

4.3 The Data Protection Officer

Furthermore, users are informed that a Data Protection Officer has been appointed: Sébastien Lecaillet.

The role of the Data Protection Officer is to ensure that national and supranational provisions relating to the collection and processing of personal data are properly implemented. He is sometimes referred to as the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted as follows: legal@yoojo.com

5. User rights

In accordance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, the user has the rights listed below.

In order for the data controller to comply with the user's request, the user must provide the data controller with his/her first and last names, e-mail address and, if relevant, account number or personal or subscriber area number.

The data controller is obliged to respond to the user within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.

5.1 Presentation of user rights with regard to data collection and processing

5.1.1 Right of access, rectification and deletion

Users may view, update, modify or request the deletion of data concerning them by following one of the procedures set out below:

5.1.2 Right to data portability

Users have the right to request the portability of their personal data held by the site to another site, in accordance with the following procedure:

The user must send a request by email to legal@yoojo.com.

5.1.3 Right to limit and object to data processing

The user has the right to request the limitation of or to oppose the processing of his/her data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, unless it can demonstrate the existence of legitimate and overriding reasons, which may override the interests and rights and freedoms of the user.

In order to request a restriction on the processing of his/her data or to formulate an objection to the processing of his/her data, the user must follow the following procedure:

The user must send a request by email to legal@yoojo.com.

5.1.4 Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects concerning him or her, or significantly affects him or her in a similar way.

5.1.5 Right to refer a matter to the competent supervisory authority

Users have the right to lodge a complaint with the local authority responsible for data protection in the place where they live or work or where they consider that a problem relating to their data has arisen.

6. Use of cookies

The Site may use "cookie" techniques.

A "cookie" is a small file (less than 4 kb), stored by the site on the user's hard drive, containing information about the user's browsing habits.

These files enable us to process traffic statistics and information, facilitate navigation and improve the service for the user's convenience.

For the use of "cookie" files involving the storage and analysis of personal data, the user's consent must be obtained.

The user's consent is considered valid for a maximum period of 6 (six) months. At the end of this period, the site will again request the user's authorisation to store "cookies" files on their hard drive.

6.1 The user's objection to the use of "cookies" by the site

Cookies that are not essential to the operation of the site are only placed on the user's terminal after obtaining their consent. Users may withdraw their consent at any time, as follows:

For information, users can find out how to configure their browser software to prevent cookies being stored at the following addresses:

If the user decides to deactivate the "cookies" files, he/she will be able to continue browsing the site. However, any malfunction of the site caused by this manipulation cannot be considered to be the fault of the site editor.

6.2 Description of the "cookie" files used by the site

The site editor draws the user's attention to the fact that the following cookies are used during browsing:

7. Conditions for amending the privacy policy

This privacy policy may be consulted at any time at the following address: yoojo.com.

The Site publisher reserves the right to modify it in order to ensure that it complies with the law in force. Consequently, the user is invited to consult this confidentiality policy regularly in order to keep abreast of the latest changes. However, in the event of substantial modification of this policy, the user will be informed in the following manner:

Users are informed that this privacy policy was last updated on: 08 June 2023.

8. Acceptance by the user of the privacy policy

By browsing the site, users certify that they have read and understood this privacy policy and accept its terms, particularly as regards the collection and processing of their personal data and the use of cookies.