I actually have no back doors on my house and have lived like this for over a year. My mum died and I didn’t know how to maintain it anymore. I think I need a new door frame, new back doors, the roof is leaking hence the rotting floor - floor is rotten and there’s no floor behind the door it just goes through to the ground outside. The wood in the frames is rotten.
I need my front door frame repaired. This was broken by the fire brigade due to an emergency. The door is still intact, it’s just the frame which needs repairing. I still have all the fixtures that will need to be drilled back in and the outside is fine.
I believe the door needs to be recalibrated as the security system (the hook) doesn't close each time easily (sometimes it remains blocked and we need to push/pull the door on the handle). The door looks that it a bit inclined on the left corner which doesn't make the opening/closing of the door smooth (which affects the security hook systems). A recalibration of the door to be positioned well could address the issue.
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