Learn how to make your own mosquito net: 3 diy ideas


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Say goodbye to dangerous insecticides that are harmful to your health and the environment, and whose smell drives you away more than the mosquitoes!

Making your own mosquito net is surprisingly easy and a low-cost investment compared to the peace of mind it brings.

This summer, you’ll love having your windows open, thanks to the tips from the best gardener on our website who will explain what materials to use and the steps to create the 3 types of mosquito nets we suggest here.

In this guide, you will discover:

Which fabric to choose for you mosquito net?

A metal mosquito net for a DIY project
Your fabric should be fine enough to let air through but block mosquitoes

First step of your DIY mosquito net: choosing the fabric!

This is important because there are different types of fabrics, each with advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs:

  • Natural fibre fabric: It's the cheapest but also the least durable. It’s not suitable if you have young children, pets, or if you're allergic to dust mites.

  • Fibreglass fabric: This is the best option as it’s a flexible and durable material. This means you can create a removable and foldable mosquito net that you can take down whenever you want.

  • Aluminium fabric: This is the most durable fabric but it's also rigid and much less flexible. It’s usually the most expensive type as well.

Making a window mosquito net : the easy way

A DIY window mosquito net
Here are 2 ways to make a removable mosquito net for your windows

Making a window mosquito net is a breeze and will allow you to enjoy your living room without sweltering in the summer heat. 

Plus, it’s an affordable DIY project that doesn’t require many skills or materials. 

We’ll show you how to do it for windows of all sizes!

The materials you need to make your mosquito Net Frame

Here’s the list of materials you’ll need to easily make your window mosquito net:

  • 4 pieces of wood, plastic, or aluminium (measure your window opening to know the exact size)

  • mosquito netting fabric, which you can get from DIY stores (always buy more than you need in case you make a mistake)

  • a measuring tape

  • strong wood glue

  • a stapler

DIY: making a window mosquito net step by step

We’ll start with a basic mosquito net that you can install on any window. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Using a measuring tape, measure the dimensions of your window and cut your pieces of wood to size accordingly.
  2. Next, form your frame by assembling the pieces of wood with strong wood glue.
  3. Then, take your stapler and attach the mosquito netting fabric to the frame.
  4. Finally, insert your frame into the window and you’re done!

If your window has casements, you will need to remove the mosquito net every time you want to close it. 

This can be quite inconvenient… To avoid this hassle, you can also make a mosquito net using Velcro, and it's easy :

  1. measure the dimensions of your window frames and cut the Velcro to match these dimensions
  2. Then, stick the hook side of the Velcro around the window frames, unrolling it as you go.
  3. When applying the Velcro, make sure to consider the direction your windows open. If your window opens inward, place the Velcro outside; if it opens outward, place it inside.
  4. Next, attach your mosquito net to the soft side of the second Velcro strip.
  5. Your mosquito net is now ready to serve as a barrier against mosquitoes.

Making a bed canopy mosquito net

A DIY bed canopy mosquito net

Our bed canopy mosquito net might not be as stylish, but it will be just as effective

The advantage of a bed canopy mosquito net is that it only protects the most important part of your bedroom: your bed. 

The downside of window mosquito nets is that you need to measure everything, and depending on the type of window, you may need to remove them every time you close the window… not very practical.

If mosquitoes only bother you while you’re sleeping, go for the bed canopy mosquito net.

Materials needed to make a bed canopy mosquito net

To make a bed canopy mosquito net, you will need:

  • a wooden embroidery hoop at least 30 cm in diameter,

  • 2 mosquito netting fabrics made of cotton or polyester,

  • ribbon or fishing line,

  • 5 hooks,

  • a drill.

DIY: making a bed canopy mosquito net step by step

A handyman is installing a mosquito net on a bed canopy

Step one is to remove the inner ring of the embroidery hoop and set it aside for now. Make sure your mosquito netting is horizontally straight and place it over the hoop so that the hoop is centred under the fabric.

Step two is to place the inner ring back into the large hoop and secure them using the 4 hooks, so the fabric is sandwiched between the two rings. Don’t forget to use the hoop’s closure system to tighten the fabric.

Step three involves creating the suspensions for your mosquito net. Cut your fishing line into two equal lengths and tie knots at each end. Attach these to the hooks so that the lines form a cross.

Final step, drill a hole in your ceiling above the centre of the bed and insert a fixing to hang the intersecting points of your mosquito net's suspension lines.

To make the setup more decorative and personalised, you can choose mosquito netting in different colours or attach small decorative items or toys to the hooks on the hoop.

Professional mosquito net kits: is it worth it?

For outward-opening windows, tilt-and-turn windows, patio doors, or sliding doors, many professionals offer roll-up or panel mosquito nets.

Additionally, you can find replacement mosquito net kits and self-adhesive mosquito nets at major DIY stores.

In fact, this last model is the most popular with our customers, who often request installation through our mosquito net installation service!

Note that for making a removable window mosquito net, the most commonly used fabrics are stainless steel, aluminium, copper, or PVC-coated fibreglass because of their durability. 

For bed mosquito nets, it is recommended to use cotton or polyester.

All in all, I would say that these kits are worth it if you have lots of mosquitos at home.

How to Install a Roll-Up Mosquito Net:

Installing roll-up mosquito nets is also relatively simple, but you may need to make a few cuts to fit the size of your windows.

Here’s how to do it in a video:

Conclusion: making a mosquito net is Easy

With these tips, you’ll be protected from mosquitoes and other pests that could disturb your peace.

Having problems with your mosquito net?

Yoojo is the perfect site to find a qualified gardener for your home projects, ready to help with constructing or simply installing your mosquito net.

The best thing is: 

  • Choose them based on ratings and reviews from previous clients
  • Talk with them before booking
  • Pay online when the job is done

Have a mosquito net installed by an expert

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