I would like to move all my stuff from my apartment that it about 120m2 to Luton. The application estimates there is about 42m3 to move, and that seems about right.
There are 3 big objects :
> 1 fridge (4 doors)
> 1 washing machine
> 1 treadmill (that will stay in the basement)
I have already rented a truck (12m2)
I need to move stuff from my house to my new apartment.
The elevator in the apartment is a bit small, so we might need to carry some things up the stairs.
I really just need help to fill up the truck!
I'm looking for someone to come to my hotel this evening to pick up my bag of dirty clothes, wash and dry them, and return them to my hotel by 7am tomorrow. I'm staying at a hotel located at Hunter Square in the city center.
Thank you!
About 150 cm of skirting boards in the bathroom need to be replaced as they are damaged by water. I would like plastic skirting boards or your advice on the best option.
There are also a few other small items to fix if time allows.
Kind regards,