Car parcel: what is it and how much does it pay?


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Do you have space in your car? Do you like making every journey worthwhile? 

Parcel carpooling might just be the perfect solution for you! 

In this guide, I’ll show you why offering parcel delivery services on Yoojo is a great idea.

With the many tools available on our platform to help you stay organised and find customers, every trip can become a source of extra income.

And even better, on Yoojo, service providers don’t pay to find work!

What is parcel carpooling?

View from the windscreen of two men sitting in the front seat of a van with a parcel between them

You use your vehicle to deliver parcels for Yoojo customers. 

If you’re already used to making regular trips in your car or van, you can make those journeys more profitable with a transport service that earns you money every month.

Why do Yoojo customers love it?

Because this delivery service allows them to transport furniture or parcels of all sizes at a lower cost.

Who can sign up as a provider?

You don’t need to be a professional to sign up as a provider on Yoojo. For parcel carpooling, you can be:

  • An individual

  • A self-employed person

  • Or a professional

Yoojo’s features at your service

Our app includes several features to help you start your parcel carpooling activity easily and quickly.

Let me explain how it works:

Features Description
Easily manage your parcel carpooling tasks on Yoojo The Yoojo task assistant: it summarises information for each of your tasks and lets you communicate directly with your customers to schedule the parcel carpooling service.
Running late? It notifies your customers. Lost your way? It helps you calculate your travel time.
The smart calendar Apply for multiple jobs on the same date and time. This strategy increases your chances of getting tasks. The smart calendar ensures you’re never booked twice at the same time slot.
Visibility score Every successfully completed job increases your personal score. With this, you gain more visibility on our platform, making it more likely for new customers to book you for parcel deliveries.

How much does it cost to sign up on Yoojo?

A man loading several parcels into his car

No subscription fees or upfront costs!

The other great news is that with us, you’re insured during your parcel transport tasks.

How does it work? Let me explain:

  • We take a 5% service fee from your earnings to cover you in case of physical or material damage (but only on completed tasks).

  • We also protect your earnings: you’re guaranteed to be paid for your work.

  • In addition, you can access Yoojo’s various services for free to help you find customers.

And if a task is cancelled?

You don’t pay anything. It’s that simple:

If I become a provider, how much will I earn with parcel carpooling?

The demand for this delivery service is very high.

That’s great news for you, as it means more opportunities for transport tasks.

Below, I’ll give you more details about the rates Yoojo customers pay for parcel carpooling services.

General pricing guide by type of parcel to deliver

Just for you, I’ve divided the tasks by type of parcel transported through Yoojo to give you a better idea of the prices customers pay:

Category Items Average price observed on Yoojo
Furniture Sofas £20

Chairs £10

Tables (dining, coffee, etc.) £17

Desks £16

Beds (mattresses, frames, complete beds) £30

Storage furniture (chests of drawers, wardrobes, shelves) £19

Sideboards and dressers £23

Bedside tables £10

Garden furniture £16

Mirrors and frames £10
Miscellaneous items Appliances (fridges, washing machines, etc.) £30

Sports equipment (bikes, fitness gear) £21

Decorative items (paintings, lamps) £10

Artwork and sculptures £13

DIY tools and equipment £23

Electronics (TVs, computers, etc.) £30

Books and documents (full boxes) £10

Toys and games £15
Other items Gardening tools and flower pots £21

Audio and hi-fi systems £20

Pet furniture (cages, pet beds) £17

Office equipment (printers, copiers) £30

Yoojo helps you earn more

Our platform provides several smart tools to help you increase your number of tasks:

Benefits Description
Customised earnings You set your own hourly rate. When you submit a quote to a customer, you can adjust your offer freely.
Automatic application As one of the top providers, you unlock the "Automatic Application" option. This free service helps you secure 60% more bookings without actively searching for customers. It saves you time and earns you more money.
Overtime management Did the task take longer than expected? You’ll be paid for the extra time! The app makes it easy to manage overtime, and the invoice is adjusted accordingly.

How to become a service provider

They found their tasks with Yoojo: here’s how much they earned

A man delivering a parcel to a woman’s home

Other providers have already joined the Yoojo community. 

Here are the types of tasks they completed, along with the price paid by the client:

Example 1: delivering a painting in London

💰 Total price paid: £65
⏳ Duration of the task: 1 hour 30 minutes

This provider transported a 2m by 2m painting in their vehicle.

The artwork only needed to be properly packed and delivered. A quick and straightforward task.

Example 2: delivering home improvement materials

💰 Total price paid: £70
⏳ Duration of the task: 1 hour 30 minutes

You’re also there to help clients who don’t have access to other delivery services.

This client needed materials for a DIY project.

The provider collected the materials from a hardware store and delivered them to the client’s home.

Example 3: transporting large parcels between Manchester and London

💰 Total price paid: £195
⏳ Duration of the task: 5 hours

Not afraid of long trips?

Then larger tasks offer a great opportunity. Here, the provider transported 3m³ of parcels between London and Manchester.

Example 4: transporting IKEA parcels

💰 Total price paid: £22
⏳ Duration of the task: 1 hour

Why not help clients return their online orders?

For example, this provider returned a panel to an IKEA store.

Example 5: transporting a large volume of belongings

💰 Total price paid: £120
⏳ Duration of the task: 2 hours

For parcel transport tasks, clients sometimes have lots of belongings to move.

The advantage is that these tasks don’t require special equipment.

Example 6: quick and local parcel delivery

💰 Total price paid: £31
⏳ Duration of the task: 2 hours

No need for a large van to complete parcel delivery tasks.

For example, this provider only had one parcel to deliver, locally!

Conclusion: parcel carpooling with Yoojo, an easy way to earn money

See? Earning money on your journeys has never been easier.

With parcel carpooling, you benefit from a service in high demand and can boost your income effortlessly.

With flexibility and the satisfaction of helping busy clients, it’s all advantages.

And best of all, Yoojo allows you to join the provider community without any subscription or start-up fees.

So, ready to turn every mile into an opportunity? 


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